Become a Giver
Anne Frank once wrote, "No one has ever become poor by giving." The truth of the matter is, some of us are born givers, some of us are made givers, and some choose to become givers. No matter which one you are, know that every donation you give helps to house a family, to feed a hungry child, to clothe the mentally ill, it helps to save veterans and teaches the young scholars. So we hope you choose to give us a hand, so that we can continue operating our mission to save the world.

We Need Your Support!
Abused Women Housing & Services
Homeless Veteran Housing & Services
Family/Individual Housing & Services
Transitional Youth Program
Senior Housing & Services
Food Program
General Operating Expenses

Donate by Check
Make checks payable to: The Giving Hand. If you are donating to a specific cause, please write that in the memo of your check.
Please note that donations made by check will not be matched.
Tax receipts will be mailed within 3 to 5 business days after the donation has been processed.
Making donations to your favorite cause, just got easier. We are now registered with Venmo, just search for: @TheGivingHand and donate today.
Cash App
This organization is always looking for more ways to give and our goal is to make the donation process simpler for every giver. You can now donate through the Cash App, simply search for: $GiversofLA.
Wire Transfers
For donations over $7,000, we also accept wire transfers; email for more information.